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10 Hidden Gmail Features Every Smart User Should Know

At one time letters were the best means of communication. But times have changed today. That era of letters is now a thing of the past. Technology has brought its touch in the way of exchanging messages and has now brought the era of cyber letters. This is what we call e-mail.


  1. Sending large files to Gmail
  2. Colored Star
  3. Multiple e-mails under pseudonyms
  4. To-Do List
  5. Keyboard Shortcuts
  6. Advanced Shortcuts
  7. Third-Party Apps
  8.  Managing multiple Gmail accounts at once
  9. Slow Internet
  10. Labeling of messages

Email is very important nowadays. People who use the internet, have to send or receive numerous letters every day. Gmail is a very popular name among email users due to its various benefits. However, despite using Gmail, most users are not aware of its various features. So read the article and know some important information about Gmail that you don't know.

1. Sending large files to Gmail:

Gmail does not allow sending emails larger than 25 megabytes. If the entire mail, including any attachments, exceeds 25 megabytes, it will no longer be able to be sent. However, there are several ways to avoid this. In this case, the first thing you can do is upload your file to Google's cloud service Google Drive and share its link through the mail. Basically, the rule of Google is to prevent the spread of viruses through the mail.

2. Colored Star:

Gmail has the facility to use the star symbol to separate important emails. On Gmail's Inbox homepage, a dim star icon appears next to each email. If you want to keep a mail in the important list, click on that star. The white star will then turn yellow.

You can use different colored stars instead of yellow color if you want. For that, you can select the color from in-use and not-in-use from the settings command below the profile picture. From here you can use one, two, or four different colored stars. Mails can be stored using different colored stars as per requirement.

3. Multiple e-mails under pseudonyms:

If you want to use multiple aliases in an e-mail address, put a dot in the middle of the address. Your mail will still arrive. If you want to use more nicknames, add a dot after the first letter and replace the rest as before.

It can be nilotpalbiswas09@gmail.com>nilotpal.itbd@gmail.com>n.i.dhinitbd@gmail.com You can use a pseudonymous e-mail id while accessing various website services or subscribing to newsletters.

4. To-Do List:

You can add your to-do list to Gmail. This feature can be used for office or business purposes. Clicking Gmail under the Google logo on the Gmail home page will display a popup screen to add future job listings to email and send to circle members. Select the task from there. Now add to it the daily or weekly task list. You can send this list to circle or mail to someone.

5. Keyboard Shortcuts:

What are some useful keyboard shortcuts in Gmail? Gmail can be used without a mouse. Here are some important shortcuts: Ctrl+Enter to send a message, Ctrl+ to open a new window, Ctrl+Shift+c to send a mail carbon copy (cc) to someone, and Ctrl+Shift+b to send a mail blind carbon copy (BCC) to someone. But remember, these shortcuts will work only after clicking compose.

6. Advanced Shortcuts:

Advanced shortcut menu to meet the needs of e-mail users. To turn it on, go to Settings on the right side of Gmail and enable Keyboard Shortcuts. After enabling the keyboard shortcut you will get the services.

Click the 'P' button on the keyboard to write a new message. Click the 'F' button on the keyboard to write a message in a new tab. To search for any information in the Gmail search box, click the '/' button on the keyboard. To reply to a message press the 'T' button on the keyboard. To delete the chat information just press the '#' key on the keyboard.

7. Third-Party Apps:

Gmail has several third-party apps approved by Google for editing any document or image. Google is far ahead of other popular mail services. After clicking on the document or image that comes with any mail, looking up will find different apps that can be used with that file.

8. Managing multiple Gmail accounts at once:

If you use two Gmail accounts, you can open two emails in the same browser. To activate two Gmail accounts at the same time, click on your email address at the top right of Gmail and select Add Account. A new tab will open. Now you can open two accounts together by entering your other Gmail ID and password here.

9. Slow Internet:

Gmail may take a long time to open if you have a slow internet connection. To solve this problem, if you select to switch to a basic version, the page will be uploaded quickly. If you search by typing https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=htm in the search box, Gmail will start quickly in the basic version.

10. Labeling of messages:

Many types of mail may arrive in your inbox at the same time. In that case labeling according to importance will make it easier for you to understand the need for any message. You can do labeling by going to Gmail's main window. Apart from the options available there, you can create your own label.

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