The 10 Rules of Proper Exercise
Physical exercise/Exercises and various types of exercise in modern times – play an important role in achieving good health and a happy mindset in the daily life of people. Experts opined that regular exercise/regular physical exercise should be practiced as an essential activity for the full physical and mental development of children and young boys and girls. Regular exercise is one of the main regulators of well-being even for elderly and sick people.
Exercise or physical exercise may sometimes seem boring to us, and we may feel lazy to exercise, but regardless of all the excuses, we definitely need to do more exercise. We should start exercising regularly to keep our body and mind healthy. Besides, many of us spend a lot of time sitting in front of smartphone/PC screens. Most people don't do even a minimal amount of daily physical activity, despite walking/exercising. And that's a shame because exercise has been proven to be fun and good for both the body and the brain.
Let's know in detail how regular exercise/physical exercise can have a positive effect on our human body.
Benefit 1:
Exercise is definitely good for building your muscles. But it is good for your bone development as well. Regular exercise and sleep/rest help children and teens build strong and functional skeletons. Even in adults, regular exercise protects against bone fragility and provides relief from osteoarthritis.
Benefit 2:
Daily exercise is also beneficial for the brain. Physical exercise can increase oxygen and blood circulation to your brain, so the brain can easily receive nutrients and work at a higher rate. Even the brain is more structured to exercise. Because working out makes our body produce neurotransmitters responsible for happy feelings, which can help prevent depression. Physical exercise once after learning something also helps in forming and retaining our memories.
So perhaps it's not surprising that many ancient scientists practiced regular physical exercise to develop the brain.
Benefit 3:
The beneficial microbes in our gut respond positively to a good workout. Digestion becomes easier and digestion in the digestive tract is accelerated. A variety of tests look at how the body's gut microbes respond to exercise. It also helps scientists understand why those microbes can keep athletes healthy.
It cannot be concluded that there are more benefits of physical activity, so considering your physical and mental well-being, regular physical exercise/exercise will bring proper benefits to your life.
BONUS TIPS: What exercises can be done by age to get the most out of your body.
1. For younger boys and girls (up to 10 years), children's sports, PT, and morning assembly will suffice.
2. Adolescents (11-17 years) should develop regular exercise habits and participate in event sports.
3. Adults (18-30 years) should participate in regular walking, club-based sports, swimming, martial arts, adult sports events, indoor games, and yoga sessions.
4. Middle-aged (31-50 years) should do regular physical exercise as desired. The stress on the body cannot be increased by doing excessive sports. Modern exercises, gymnastics, yoga, and meditation should be practiced.
5. Elderly (50 years and above) should do regular exercise as per the doctor's advice. Also, meditation and yoga exercises will bring benefits. If there are physical diseases or complications, they should be taken into consideration.
So you are starting to exercise from tomorrow?
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